For Life’s ‘Everyday Warriors’
At IMMA we are all about diversity and integration… In life and in the gym! If you’re looking to work out on your own, in a class, with a trainer, etc. we can make that happen. From our IMMAFit classes, to our basic gym membership, to our Powerlifting Club, to having access to personal trainer, IMMA Fitness is a fully equipped gym that is designed to meet your fitness needs.
With over 6,500 pounds of Cast Iron & Bumper Plates, Lifting Platforms, Kettle Bells, Dumb Bells, Rowers, Air Bikes, Treadmills, Ellipticals, Machine Weights and too much more to list… IMMA Fitness is looking forward to partnering with YOU on YOUR fitness journey.
Basic Gym Access – $50 per month
This Program gives members access to all equipment in the Cardio-Room, Machine Weights and Free Weights (during non/class times) during staffed and specific non-staffed facility hours. This Program does not include any other areas or classes offered by IMMA Fitness. Unless your space is reserved, access is on a First Come/First Served basis.
IMMAFit Classes – $130 per month
This Program gives members access to Strength & Conditioning Classes that we use for our Combat Athletes. If you like what you see fitness wise when you watch a UFC match, Olympic Wrestling, etc. those results are from these class programs and tailored for YOU. There are 3 training types that give specific results.
1. IMMAFit Body – Aerobic and Plyometric Training using Calisthenics occasionally accompanied by equipment designed to sculpt the body, control weight, increase stamina, strength and overall fitness.
2. IMMAFit Equipped – Circuit Station Training utilizing equipment such as plyoboxes, hurdles, jump-ropes, pullup bars, resistance bands, battle ropes, olympic rings, and a variety of other fitness equipment/rigs designed for maximizing endurance, flexibility, conditioning, weight management and body control
3. IMMAFit Strength – Circuit Training utilizing Free Weights, Kettle Bells, Dumb Bells, Resistance Bands, Med Balls, and a variety of other fitness equipment/rigs designed for maximizing strength, endurance, flexibility, conditioning, weight management and body control.
This program includes basic gym/cardio-room access and does not include any other areas or classes offered by IMMA and requires a class reservation to participate.
All Access – $150 per month
This Program gives you access to all areas of IMMA Fitness.
**Does not include Inochi Mixed Martial Arts (IMMA). All IMMA Fitness members are eligible for a 20% discount on all IMMA Martial Arts Programs.